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Galway Kinnell
Sample Autograph Signature:
Galway  Kinnell signature
Galway Kinnell
American Pulitzer Prize winning poet and educator. Galway Kinnell was born in Providence, Rhode Island in and raised near Pawtucket. After attending Princeton University for a semester in , he joined the U.S. Navy. Six months later he returned to Princeton and graduated summa cum laude at midyears in , and then received his M.A. degree from the University of Rochester in . After teaching at the University of Chicago from -, he taught creative writing and poetry at universities in Grenoble, Iran, Nice, and Sydney, Australia. In , he returned to the U.S. and joined the Congress of Racial Equality and spent a summer in Hammond, Louisiana working on voter registration and workplace integration. His first volume of poetry, What a Kingdom It Was, was published in . He went on to hold numerous poet-in-residency positions and to teach creative writing and poetry at several colleges and universities including the Graduate Writing Division of New York University where he founded and directed its creative writing master�s program. Until his retirement in 20, he was the Erich Maria Remarque Professor of Creative Writing at New York University. Kinnell has published books of poetry, a novel (Black Light), a collection of interviews (Walking Down the Stairs), a book for children (How the Alligator Missed Breakfast), and translations of the poems of Fran�ois Villon, Yves Bonnefoy, Yvanne Goll, and Rainer Maria Rilke. Among his awards and grants are the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award (for Selected Poems, ) for , the Frost Medal for Lifetime Achievement by the Poetry Society of America in 20, the National Institute of Arts and Letters Award, two Guggenheim Fellowships (, ), a Rockefeller Foundation grant (), a National Endowment for the Arts Grant (-), and a MacArthur Genius Fellowship. He has also been the state poet of Vermont, and was a finalist for the 20 National Book Award (for A New Selected Poems).
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