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Marian Keyes
Sample Autograph Signature:
Marian  Keyes signature
Marian Keyes
Irish internationally bestselling author of Marian Keyes was born in Limerick, Ireland in . She and her family lived in Cavan, Cork and Galway before finally settling in Dublin in . Keyes earned a law degree from University College Dublin in , but with a deepening recession in Ireland, she moved to London where her Irish law degree was of little use. Working as a waitress, she studied accounting student then obtained a job as a professional accounts clerk. Her life-long low self-esteem problem combined with regular attendance at London discos lead to a personal battle with alcoholism. She began writing short stories four months before she finally stopped drinking in , but an attempted suicide in provided the impetus for Keyes to enter rehab. She emerged with a serious intent to write and submitted a sample of her stories to a publisher. While her stories were rejected, she had included a cover letter stating that she also had an uncompleted novel hoping to to establish her credibility. The publisher, however, requested a copy of the non-existent work. Within a week she wrote the first four chapters of her first book, Watermelon, which became the first book of a three-book contract offered by the publisher. Keyes has been on the international bestseller's list ever since Watermelon was published in . She married in December of , resigned her day job to become a full time writer in November , and moved back to Dublin in . Keyes has written eight novels published in countries and translated into languages, and two non-fiction books, Under the Duvet (20) and Further Under the Duvet (20), both collections of her short stories, essays, and magazine articles. The latter was published in the U.S. as Cracks In My Foundation. Keyes novels include Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married (), Rachel's Holiday (), Last Chance Saloon (), Sushi for Beginners (20), Angels (20), The Other Side of the Story (20), and Anybody Out There? (20). While her novels are in the romantic comedy genre, they are also infused with the darker realities of life such as depression, addiction, infertility and illness. Moreover, Keyes says �I am a chick-lit writer. I think it�s actually a very important genre, because it�s about the conflicts and confusions of our post-feminist world, where we�re told we�re equal, but we know we�re not. After the first wave, an awful lot of crappy people who missed the point and thought it was about romance and pinkness came along. I have no problem with romance and pinkness, so long as it�s balanced with something worthwhile.� Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married was adapted for a TV mini-series in 20, Watermelon has been optioned for a film, Touchstone Pictures bought the film rights to Rachel's Holiday, and Last Chance Saloon was released as a French film, Au Secours J�ai Trente Ans, in 20.
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