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Yasunari Kawabata
Sample Autograph Signature:
Yasunari  Kawabata signature
Yasunari Kawabata
'Japanese novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Yasunari Kawabata ( � ) was born into a prosperous and cultured family in Osaka. His father, a prominent physician, died when Kawabata was only two, and his mother the following year. He was then taken in by his maternal grandparents while his older sister came under the care of an aunt. His grandmother died when he was seven, and his sister when he was ten. When his grandfather died in , Kawabata briefly lived with others in his mother's family before moving into a boarding house near his junior high school. He graduated from junior high school in March and then moved to Tokyo where he attended the elite First Higher School from to 20 and received a degree in English Literature from Tokyo Imperial University in 20. He earned a degree in Japanese Literature from the University in . While at the university he revived its defunct literary magazine where he published his first short story. In October of Kawabata and several other young writers founded a new literary journal, Bungei Jidai (The Artistic Age), which espoused a philosophy of 'art for art's sake'. Kawabata gained his first success in with the novella The Izu Dancer, but it was the novel Snow Country, first published in installments from through , that secured Kawabata's position as one of the leading authors in Japan. In receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in , the committee cited Snow Country along with Thousand Cranes (serialized - ), and The Old Capital () which probably had made the deepest impression in both Japan abroad. In addition to fiction writing, he was also employed as a newspaper reporter for the Mainichi Shimbun of Osaka and Tokyo. He became a member of the Art Academy of Japan in , and four years later he was appointed chairman of the P.E.N. Club of Japan. Kawabata received the Goethe Medal in in Frankfurt, and was awarded Japan's highest recognition for a man of letters, the Order of Culture, in . He was was the first Japanese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Kawabata died by suicide in . '
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