Vanity Press: A printing house which produces books
solely at an author's expense. The term tends to have the pejorative implication that an author's
vanity must far exceed his/her talent to need to bear the cost of having his/her book published.
While this may true in many cases, there are less vain reasons for this arrangement as mentioned under
Privately Printed. Vanity printing
houses do not market, distribute, or otherwise act as publishers, and the authors retain all
ownership rights in the books so printed.
Variants: Books
(Issues) that a publisher intends to create
which differ in one or more features from others in the same
Press Run, but between which no
Priority can be established. Features
creating different issues are exemplified by differences in bindings, paper quality,
endpapers, or a title stamped on one cover in gilt and red on another, etc. See also
First Edition.
Verso: The left-hand (back) side of a leaf in a bound book.
Also called the Reverse.
Vigesimo-quarto (24mo): A book size designating a book up to 5 3/4" tall. Abbreviation 24mo.
See Book Sizes and Formats Figure 2.
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