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Lowell Thomas
Lowell Thomas (1892 - 1981)
Preeminent American radio commentator, explorer, author and journalist. Especially remembered for his association with T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia.)
After graduating from college he made the first of innumerable trips to various parts of the world, starting with Alaska, which in 1915 was then a largely unknown territory to most Americans. Upon his return, he gave lectures about his trip, which were so popular that they earned him a commission from Woodrow Wilson to make an on-the-scene historical record of World War I. This work lead to many important contacts, especially with General Edmund Allenby and Col. T. E. Lawrence, which became the basis of another very successful lecture series when he came back home and really helped launch his career. In 1924, he published his first, and most popular book, With Lawrence in Arabia. In 1930 he went to work for Columbia Broadcasting System and began a radio career that spanned more than 40 years. In 1935 he filmed and narrated the first of many travelogues for 20th Century-Fox. During WW2 he traveled to virtually all the war zones, and broadcast vivid reports. In 1949, at the invitation of the Dalai Lama, he traveled to Tibet, becoming one of the first Americans ever to so.
Throughout his long and adventurous career Lowell Thomas wrote over 60 books and articles about his experiences and the many places he had been, which are now fascinating glimpses of a world that no longer exists. Below is list of just some of them.
Works by Lowell Thomas
Books by Lowell Thomas
◊With Lawrence In Arabia (1924)
◊Beyond Kyber Pass: Into Forbidden Afghanistan (1925)
◊European Skyways: The Story Of A Tour Of Europe By Aeroplane (1928)
◊Raiders Of The Deep (1928) - Recounts the sea battles of U-boats and submarines in WW1
◊The Sea Devil's Fo'c'sle: Count Luckner's Adventures (1928)
◊The Wreck Of The Dumaru: A Story of Cannibalism in an Open Boat (1930)
◊India: Land Of The Black Pagoda (1930)
◊Lauterbach Of The China Sea: The Escapes and Adventures of a Seagoing Falstaff (1931)
◊Kabluk Of The Eskimo (1932)
◊This Side Of Hell: Dan Edwards, Adventurer (1932)
◊Old Gimlet Eye: Adventures of Smedley D. Butler (1933)
◊Adventures Among Immortals: Percy Burton, Impresario (1937)
◊Pageant Of Adventure (1940)
◊These Men Shall Never Die (1943) - About WW2 and the Pacific Theater
◊Back To Mandalay (1951) - WW2 in Burma
◊Out Of This World: Across the Himalayas to Forbidden Tibet (1950)
◊Seven Wonders Of The World (1956)
◊History As You Heard It (1957) - Twenty-five years of history reported day-to-day as it happened
◊The Dalai Lama: A Biography of the Exiled Leader (1961)
◊The Trail Of Ninety-Eight(1962) - About the Yukon Klondike gold rush of 1898
◊Doolittle: A Biography (1976)
◊Good Evening Everyone: From Cripple Creek to Samarkand (1976) - Autobiographical
◊So Long Until Tomorrow: From Quaker Hill to Kathmandu (1977) - Autobiographical
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Hollis G. Bedell, HGBooks & Bindery.
Lowell Thomas signature
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