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A reference for Used and Rare Books, Periodicals, and Paper Ephemera courtesy of an International Co-Op of Independent Dealers.
Ludwig Bemelmans
Ludwig Bemelmans (1898 - 1962) was a gourmand and innkeeper as much as a writer or artist. He studied in Bavaria, and emigrated to New York City in 1914. He wrote short stories, novels, articles, essays, poetry, and reminiscences. During early childhood he lived in a hotel his father owned and managed. On the side he pursued what gave him the greatest pleasure - painting and drawing. His most famous series was Madeline, a fearless little girl who always stepped out of line and found her way into adventure. Madeline was a Caldecott Honor Book and Madeline's Rescue won the Caldecott Medal.
◊Hansi (1934)
◊The Gold Basket (1936)
◊The Castle Number Nine (1937)
◊My War With The United States (1937)
◊Life Class (1938)
◊Quito Express (1938)
◊Madeline (1939)
◊Small Beer (1939)
◊FiFi (1940)
◊Hotel Splendide (1941)
◊The Donkey Inside (1941)
◊At Your Service (1941)
◊Rosebud (1942)
◊I Love You I Love You I Love You (1942)
◊Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (1943)
◊The Blue Danube (1945)
◊Hotel Bemelmans (1946)
◊Dirty Eddie (1947)
◊A Tale of Two Glimps (1947)
◊The Best of Times (1948)
◊The Eye of God (1949)
◊Sunshine: A Story About the City of New York (1950)
◊The Happy Place (1952)
◊How To Travel Incognito K(1952)
◊Madeline's Rescue (1953)
◊Father, Dear Father (1953)
◊The Borrowed Christmas (1953)
◊The High World (1954)
◊Madeline's Christmas in Texas (1955)
◊Parsley (1955)
◊To the One I Love the Best (1955)
◊The World of Bemelmans (1955)
◊Madeline's Christmas (1956)
◊Madeline and the Bad Hat (1956/57)
◊The Woman of My Life (1957)
◊Madeline and the Gypsies (1958)
◊My Life in Art (1958)
◊Welcome Home! (1960)
◊Are You Hungary Are You Cold (1960)
◊How To Have Europe All to Yourself (1960)
◊Madeline in London (1961)
◊(Bemelman's) Italian Holiday (1961)
◊On Board Noah's Ark (1962)
◊Marina (1962)
◊The Street Where The Heart Lies (1963)
◊The Elephant Cutlet (1966)
Content provided by: Curio Corner Books
Ludwig Bemelmans signature
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